Naked Silence: Mistake Essay

I had an eye-opening experience this morning. I had already posted about it to Facebook when realized I really needed to write about it for my mistake essay. Sometimes our mistakes emerge things we do, but other times, our mistakes emerge from the things we don’t do. I’m always grateful that part of the confessional…

Revised and Developed Paper: Calling the Ambulance

For their second Revised and Developed Papers, I asked my students to try revising from scratch, which I tried too. But as I started writing, I found it to be less useful for this particular essay, because I already knew exactly what I wanted to do: I wanted to continue the story of “calling the…

I Hate Josh Armstrong: Mistake Essay

I’m in Spokane for the RMMLA and I still managed to get my essay on a mistake I made written. Take note, students. I Hate Josh Armstrong I’m in Mr. Fox’s 7th grade social studies class. I am the shortest kid in class. I have short brown hair, massive bangs curled under and sprayed into…